The European Regional Committee (ERC) of the Bernoulli Society and its work
- Statutes
- Elected Members
- Programme Coordinator and Conference Committee
- Reports of the ERC
- Minutes of meetings
- Past members of the ERC and of its committees
The European Regional Committee promotes European cooperation in statistics and probability theory, and their applications. Activities held under the auspices of the European Regional Committee include: the European Meetings of Statisticians (EMS), the European Young Statisticians Meetings (EYSM) and the courses Séminaires Européens de Statistiques (SemStat).
Statutes of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society: pdf-file
Current members of the ERC (04.02.2025 - 31.12.2026)
- Chair
- Małgorzata Bogdan (as of 04.02.2025)
- Sonia Petrone (Italy) (2023-2024)
- Members elected in 2025
- Nicolas Chopin (France)
- Daniele Durante (Italy)
- Christophe Ley (Luxembourg)
- Roland Molontay (Hungary)
- Stanislav Nagy (The Czech Republic)
- Sofia Olhede (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Kolyan Ray (UK)
- Lauri Viitasaari (Finland)
- Members elected in 2022
- Agnes Backhausz (Hungary)
- Heather Battey (UK)
- Malgorzata Bogdan (Poland)
- Ottmar Cronie (Sweden)
- Hanne Kekkonen (Netherlands)
- Jonas Peters (Switzerland)
- Stijn Vansteelandt (Belgium)
- Olivier Wintenberger (France)
Programme Coordinator and Conference Committee
Reports of the ERC
Minutes of meetings of the ERC
- Meeting in Helsinki, July 2017, pdf-file
- Meeting held via Skype, December 2015, pdf-file
- Meeting in Amsterdam, July 2015: pdf-file
- Meeting in Budapest, July 2013: pdf-file
- Meeting in Toulouse, July 2009: pdf-file
- Meeting held via internet connection, June 2008: pdf-file
- Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, August 2007: ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Torun, Poland, August 2006: ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Oslo, Norway, July 2005: ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, August 2004: ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Berlin, Germany, 18 August 2003: ps-file pdf-file
- News from the ERC (October 2003): ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, 20 and 22 August 2002: ps-file pdf-file
- News from the ERC (September 2002): ps-file pdf-file
- Meeting in Funchal, Portugal, 14 August 2001: ps-file pdf-file
Past members of the ERC
- Members elected in 2020
- Axel Bücher (Germany)
- Mathias Drton (Germany)
- Sebastian Engelke (Switzerland)
- Anne-Laure Fougères (France) (until 2022)
- Pauliina Ilmonen (Finland)
- Sonia Petrone (Italy) (Past Chair)
- Rajen Shah (United Kingdom)
- Lukas Steinberger (Austria)
- Botond Szabó (The Netherlands)
- Members elected in 2018
- Konrad Abramowicz (Sweden)
- Valérie Chavez (Switzerland)
- Antoine Chambaz (France)
- Sergio Bacallado (UK)
- Zbigniew Szkutnik (Poland)
- Gerda Claeskens (Belgium, Past Chair)
- Matúš Maciak (Czech Republic)
- Members elected in 2016
- Andreas Basse-O'Connor (Denmark)
- Geurt Jongbloed (The Netherlands)
- Peter Kevei (Hungary)
- Tatyana Krivobokova (Germany)
- Marloes Maathuis (Switzerland, Past Chair)
- Davy Paindaveine (Belgium)
- Laura Sangalli (Italy)
- Ulrike Schneider (Austria)
- Members elected in 2014
- Jesus Lopez Fidalgo (Spain)
- Nial Friel (Ireland)
- Anne Gégout-Petit (France)
- Maria Karlsson (Sweden)
- Jan Mielniczuk (Poland)
- Richard Nickl (UK)
- Mihael Perman (Slovenia)
- Sylvain Sardy (Switzerland)
- Members elected in 2012
- Ernst Wit (The Netherlands, Past Chair)
- Sandor Baran (Hungary)
- Niels Richard Hansen (Denmark, Past Chair)
- Maarten Jansen (Belgium)
- Markos Koutras (Greece)
- Hannes Leeb (Austria)
- Markus Reiss (Germany)
- Paulo Eduardo Oliveira (Portugal)
- Members elected in 2010
- Pier Luigi Conti
- Daniel Hlubinka
- Teresa Ledwi
- Havard Rue
- Richard Samworth (Past Chair)
- Alexander Tsybakov
- Eugenia Stoimenova
- Vladimir Vatutin
- Members elected in 2008
- Aad W. van der Vaart (Past Chair)
- Carlos Braumann
- Peter Bühlmann
- Gerda Claeskens
- Rasmus Waagepetersen
- Simos Meintanis
- László Márkus (Past Chair)
- Axel Munk
- Members elected in 2006
- Adelchi Azzalini (Past chair)
- Holger Dette
- Jon Forster
- Alexander Holevo
- Martin Janzura
- Dominique Picard
- Juan Romo
- Tobias Rydén
- Jacek Wesolowski
- Members elected in 2004
- Marie Huskova (Past chair)
- Ingrid Van Keilegom
- Sara van de Geer
- Zoran Vondracek
- Andras Zempleni
- Antonia Turkman
- Eva Vendel Jensen
- Jürg Huesler
Last Updated: Monday, 10 March 2025 09:40