Bernoulli Journal Notes for Authors




Notes for authors

  1. Submission.

    Bernoulli uses an electronic submission system, EJMS, which also handles the IMS journals. Authors should access the EJMS at If you are a first time user, you must complete the registration. You are only required to register once, but must add roles for each journal in EJMS. If you are already registered in EJMS for another journal, log in and follow the instructions under "Register for another role".

    After the registration is completed, you will have the ability to submit your manuscript. Complete the form and then upload your pdf file(s). Unpublished or not easily available papers cited in the manuscript should be uploaded as supplementary files during the submission process.

    In case of submission problems please contact Kristina Mattson for assistance (see below).

  2. The Paper.

    Manuscripts should be written in LaTex using the Bernoulli template. Please do not alter the margins or the font size. Files bj-sample.pdf and bj-sample.tex inside Bernoulli template package will assist in the preparation of a camera-ready paper in LaTeX. These documents contain useful information regarding the structure of your document, proper tagging style, layout features, etc.

    Papers printed in Bernoulli will generally be limited to 25 pages in the Bernoulli template, including references, although exceptions may be granted. If more space is needed, additional material (such as further technical derivations or detailed numerical results) should be placed as online supplementary material; see the instructions below. For the initial submission you may submit either a single file containing the main body (including references) followed by the supplementary material (if any), or separate files for each. If you have strong reasons for exceeding the page limit for the main manuscript, please explain them in the "comments to the editor" textbox during the initial submission (but the final decision belongs to the editor). Failing to comply with these guidelines might result in immediate rejection.

    On acceptance, you will be asked to provide Mattson Publishing Services with a LaTeX file of the final version of the paper.

  3. Title page.

    The title must include: the full title; full names and the affiliation and full addresses of all authors; a running title (maximum 50 characters). Footnotes are not allowed. Any acknowledgement, including indicating corresponding author should be placed at the end of the paper before the references.

  4. Summary and keywords.

    The summary should consist of a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words, with mathematical expressions reduced to a minimum. Citations to other work should also be avoided. Keywords or phrases should be submitted (in alphabetical order) for indexing purposes.

  5. Equations.

    Displayed equations should be numbered at the right-hand margin. Short formulae should be left in the text where possible, but should not increase the height of the line.

  6. Illustrations.

    Illustrations are to be numbered consecutively and provided with a caption at the bottom in the journal style. They should be included as an integral part of the file.

  7. Tables.

    Tables should be numbered consecutively and provided with a brief title or caption. Journal style should be followed.

  8. References.

    Use of the natbib package is strongly encouraged, jointly with \bibliographystyle{imsart-nameyear.bst}, to produce author/year citations and references of the following form:

    Chen, X. (1999). How often does a Harris recurrent Markov chain recur? Ann. Probab. 27 1324--1346.

    However, numbered citations are accepted, too. Abbreviations for journals should follow the standard of Mathematical Reviews and can be found at or in the current index issue of Mathematical Reviews. Complete references can be obtained using the MR Lookup feature.

    Only references mentioned in the text should be included in the list of references. References to books, monographs and reports should include the year of publication, title, edition, editor(s), place of publication and publisher in that order. Please refer to a recent issue of Bernoulli for details.

  9. Supplement Instructions for Accepted Papers

  10. Proofs.

    Before publication, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail regarding galley proofs. This email will also include instructions for returning corrections as well as links to forms required for publication.

  11. Offprints.

    Every corresponding author will receive via email a pdf file of the final article. Paper offprints may be purchased by using Offprint Purchase Order Forms.

  12. Publication charges and open access.

    Paying full publications charges (which can be done from available grants or institutional funds) is strongly encouraged: (1) this will indeed make your publication open access, which will increase visibility of your work; (2) this will also support the Bernoulli Society and make it possible to publish high-quality journals at moderate costs for libraries.

    Please see
    for the current rates and for further instructions. 

    Payment of some or all of the publication charges associated with an article is of course voluntary (the editorial review of articles and administration of publication charges are separate activities: manuscripts are reviewed and accepted prior to soliciting publication charges).

  13. Copyright.

    Submission of a paper to Bernoulli will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including electronic distribution, reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations.

    However, the author(s) reserve the following:
    1. All proprietary rights other than copyright, auch as patent rights.
    2. The right to use all or part of this work (with appropriate reference to the journal and article) in future works of their own, such as lectures, press releases, reviews, textbooks, or reprint books.
    3. The right to place the final version of this article (exactly as published in the journal) on their own homepage or in a public digital repository, provided there is a link to the official journal site.
    4. The right to provide a copy of the final peer-reviewed manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for publication, for public archiving in PubMed Central as soon as possible but no later than 12 months after publication.  

    Permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the captions.

  14. Various forms for authors.

    Copyright, publication charges and offprints

  15. Enquiries.

    Questions regarding the manuscript submission process should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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