
Further news and details on some of the information below can be found in:

Please see also the list of upcoming conferences and meetings.

Announcements and News

The Fifth International Workshop in Applied Probability (co-sponsored by the Bernoulli Society) will be held at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Colmenarejo Campus, on July 5th-8th, 2010. The aim of this workshop is to bring together and foster collaboration among scientists engaged in applied probability. A wide range of active research fields will be covered featuring seven invited plenary lectures presented by leading specialists. In addition, there will be a large variety of invited sessions, contributed talks, and posters.

The special issue 120/5 of the journal SPA, “A Tribute to Kiyosi Itô”, edited by Marc Yor and Maria Eulalia Vares, can be downloaded free of charge from the SPA website.
A word of appreciation to Elsevier´s fortunate gesture of granting a perpetual free access to this special issue of one of the Bernoulli Society official publications.

There are some limited funds for permanent residents in some developing countries to participate in the two Bernoulli Society meetings taking place during 2010: The 28th European Meeting of Statisticians (Piraeus, Greece, August 17-22) and the 34th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Osaka, Japan, September 6-10). For further details see the Information on the ISI's World Bank Fund.

Professor Lester Dubins passed away on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010, at the age of 89. A distinguished probabilist, Professor Dubins was an Emeritus Professor of the University of Califormia at Berkeley. He is the author of the classical How to Gamble if You Must (with L.J. Savage), and many fundamental research articles in probability and geometry. Obituray for Lester Eli Dubins by David Gilat, Ted Hill and Bill Sudderth.

Miguel Angel Arcones Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Binghamton University, died on December 30, 2009. Obituray for Miguel Angel Arcones by Evarist Giné, David Mason, Francisco Samaniego and Anton Schick.

Spread the word among colleagues and students: For 2010 Ph.D. students join Bernoulli Society for free and new members and post-docs obtain 50% reduced membership rate.

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the International Statistical Review on ENERGY STATISTICS. For more details see Call_for_Papers_EnergyStatistics.pdf.

David Ruppert, Cornell University, is the new editor of the Electronic Journal of Statistics (EJS), starting January 2010. EJS is an open access publication sponsored by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

The Latin American Regional Chapter of the Bernoulli Society announces and congratulates the winners of the 2009 CLAPEM edition of the Francisco Aranda-Ordaz award for the best Ph.D. theses written by Latin American students. The winners are:
In Probability, Sebastián Grymberg, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, for his thesis "Construcción y simulación perfecta de campos markovianos con splines", adviser Pablo Ferrari.
In Statistics, Maria da Gloria Abage de Lima, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil, for her thesis "Essays on heteroskedasticity", adviser Francisco Cribari.
Both are invited speakers to present their works in the XI CLAPEM, in Caracas, Venezuela, November 1-6, 2009.

James R. Norris, Statistics Laboratory of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, was elected as chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes for a two years term, starting January 2010.

© Bernoulli Society