
Further news and details on some of the information below can be found in:

Please see also the list of upcoming conferences and meetings.

Announcements and News

The increase in both the  breadth and the mathematical technicality of many areas of specialization in probability and statistics can be mitigated by expertly written survey articles that will communicate an historic perspective on the successes, failures, and general health of important areas, as well as provide young researchers with a point of entry to the frontiers of a given field.  To acknowledge the general importance of such efforts, The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability is pleased to announce the establishment of ``The Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability or Mathematical Statistics''.

The Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes is pleased to announce the approval by the Bernoulli Society Council of a new prize. The prize is to honour the scientific work of Wolfgang Doeblin and to recognize and promote outstanding work by researchers at the beginning of their mathematical careers in the field of Probability. For details see: Wolfgang Doeblin Prize.

As a satellite meeting to the 2011 ISI World Congress, and the first of its kind, the 2011 ISI Young Statisticians Meeting (YSI 2011) seeks to promote the active participation of early career statisticians in the epicentre of the ISI World Congress. The meeting will take place from August 19th-21st 2011, preceeding the 2011 ISI World Congress. Further information

The Bernoulli Society Council has recently decided to keep, in general, the same membership fees for 2011 as for 2010, but some new benefits have been added.

For example, members from "developing countries" are offered a 70% reduction now (instead of 50%) and receive an extra reduction for the personal hard copy subscription of the BERNOULLI JOURNAL. Moreover, the list of developing countries for the latter membership and subscription was extended for 2011.  This list will be subsequently updated with the three lower categories of the classification countries of the World Bank.

Further benefits have been achieved for all BS members like, e.g., a new 15% discount on two journals from the Applied Probability Trust: Advances in Applied Probability and Journal of Applied Probability.

For full information and details, please check the membership information.

Josef G. Steinebach
BS Membership Secretary

The Bernoulli Society is one of the sponsers of the recently launched This is a free online encyclopedia of statistics and probability hosted by Springer and sponsored by leading statistical societies. combines the advantages of traditional wikis (rapid and up-to-date publication, user-generated development, hyperlinking, and a saved history) with traditional publishing (quality assurance, review, and credit to authors). All contributions have been approved by an editorial board chosen by the sponsoring statistical societies. Articles are published in accordance with a Creative Commons license.

We are pleased to announce that the Bernoulli Society website can now be reached via Furthermore the design has been updated based on the new Bernoulli Society Logo.
The new site offers us many possibilities for future development, but first of all we hope that it provides our visitors with facts and news in a convenient way. If you have any suggestions or remarks concerning the webpage you may contact the Executive Committee or the Web Editor: .

David H. Blackwell passed away in Berkeley, California, on Thursday, July 8, 2010, at the age of 91. Professor Blackwell was the second president of the Bernoulli Society. Throughout his academic career he was a most distinguished teacher and researcher. He did fundamental work in game theory, Bayesian inference and information theory. He is an author of the classic book Theory of Games and Statistical Decision. He had appointments in both the Mathematics and Statistics departments of the University of California at Berkeley, where he became Emeritus Professor in 1989.

Previous to the 58th World Statistics Congress of the ISI in Dublin, August 21-26, 2011,The Bernoulli Society is organizing a Satellite Meeting on Dynamic Statistical Models, Copenhagen

On Wednesday September 8, 10:50-11:15 the ISI President-Elect Jae C. Lee and the Bernoulli Society President-Elect Edward Waymire will talk about: The future of societies of mathematical statistics and probability. This is a special Session for the World Statistics Day at the Osaka 2010 SPA Conference.

Vidmantas Kastytis Bentkus, the head of the Mathematical Statistics
Department in the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, died
on June 3, 2010, from a heart attack at the age of 60. The last 15 years
he was working on finding an optimal and most precise form of inequalities
for sums of independent random variables.

© Bernoulli Society