Bernoulli Journal Information

Bernoulli Journal gratefully thanks its referees for their service in the recent year

(up to June 2020)

  • Eddie Aamari
  • Luke Kweku William Abraham
  • Felix Abramovich
  • Georgios Afendras
  • Melisande Albert
  • Pierre Alquier
  • Gerold Alsmeyer
  • Carlos Améndola
  • Luisa Andreis
  • Michael Anshelevich
  • Takahiro Aoyama
  • Julyan Arbel
  • Ery Arias-Castro
  • Octavio Arizmendi
  • Sylvain Arlot
  • Alessandro Arlotto
  • Benjamin Arras
  • Amine Asselah
  • Fanny Augeri
  • Morgane Austern
  • Luca Avena
  • Jean-Marc Azais
  • Romain Azais
  • Francois Bachoc
  • Julio Daniel Backhoff Veraguas
  • Shuyang Bai
  • Jack Baker
  • Yuri Bakhtin
  • Fadoua Balabdaoui
  • Krishnakumar Balasubramaian
  • Moulinath Banerjee
  • Marwa Banna
  • Vincent Bansaye
  • Rodrigo Banuelos
  • Zhigang Bao
  • Yannick Baraud
  • Jean-Marc Bardet
  • Jean Baptiste Bardet
  • Gerardo Barrera Vargas
  • Daniel Bartl
  • Bojan Basrak
  • Andreas Basse-O'Connor
  • Sumanta Basu
  • Fabrice Baudoin
  • Ulrich Bauer
  • Brendan Kinnane Beare
  • Witold Marek Bednorz
  • Luisa Beghin
  • Aleksandr Beknazaryan
  • Pierre C. Bellec
  • Alexandre Belloni
  • Denis Belomestny
  • Nils Berglund
  • Espen Bernton
  • Thomas Berrett
  • Gabriel Hernan Berzunza
  • Annika Betken
  • Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya
  • Silvia Bianconcini
  • Joris Bierkens
  • David Bolin
  • Erwin Bolthausen
  • Dominique Bontemps
  • Salim Bouzebda
  • Jelena Bradic
  • Charles-Edouard Brehier
  • Francois-Xavier Briol
  • Victor-Emmanuel Brunel
  • Axel Bücher
  • Mickaël Buchet
  • Amarjit Budhiraja
  • Dariusz Buraczewski
  • Cristina Butucea
  • Cristina Butucea
  • Benoît Cadre
  • Emmanuel Jean Candes
  • Alexandra Carpentier
  • Thomas Cass
  • Ismael Castillo
  • Alain Célisse
  • Djalil Chafaï
  • Gaëlle Chagny
  • Kwun Chuen Gary Chan
  • Kung-Sik Chan
  • Shih-Kang Chao
  • Arindam Chatterjee
  • Sabyasachi Chatterjee
  • Niladri S. Chatterji
  • Kehui Chen
  • Yen-Chi Chen
  • Likai Chen
  • Xinxin Chen
  • Pinhan Chen
  • Le Chen
  • Yu-Ting Chen
  • Nicolas Chenavier
  • Dan Cheng
  • Xiang Cheng
  • Yu Cheng
  • Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri
  • Victor Chernozhukov
  • Denis Chetverikov
  • Ilya Chevyrev
  • Geoffrey Chinot
  • Gerda Claeskens
  • Quentin Clairon
  • Simon Clinet
  • Alberto J. Coca
  • Andrea Collevecchio
  • Fabienne Comte
  • R. Dennis Cook
  • Manon Costa
  • Simon Coste
  • Romain Couillet
  • Laure Coutin
  • Christa Cuchiero
  • Antonio Cuevas
  • Yan Cui
  • Yan Cui
  • Xavier D'Haultfoeuille
  • Xiaowu Dai
  • Fraser Daly
  • Jyotishka Datta
  • Yohann De Castro
  • Yohann De Castro
  • Manuel Dominguez De La Iglesia
  • Emilio De Santis
  • Madalina Deaconu
  • Krzysztof Grzegorz Debicki
  • Miguel Del Alamo
  • Pierre Del Moral
  • Francois Delarue
  • Sylvain Delattre
  • Denis Denisov
  • Steffen Dereich
  • Peng Ding
  • Christian Döbler
  • Edgar Dobriban
  • Yan Dolinsky
  • Clément Dombry
  • Randal Douc
  • Marco Dozzi
  • Alexander Drewitz
  • Lutz Duembgen
  • Matt Dunlop
  • Thomas S.A. Duquesne
  • Fabrizio Durante
  • Cecile Durot
  • Céline Duval
  • Andreas Eberle
  • Manu Eder
  • Peter W.H. Eichelsbacher
  • John H.J. Einmahl
  • Omar El-Dakkak
  • Benjamin Eltzner
  • Sebastian Engelke
  • Farida Enikeeva
  • Murat A. Erdogdu
  • Torkel Erhardsson
  • Philip Ernst
  • Khalifa Es-Sebaiy
  • Pierre Etoré
  • Xiao Fang
  • Billy Fang
  • Stefano Favaro
  • Oliver Feng
  • Juan Fernández- Sánchez
  • Patrik Lino Ferrari
  • Mark Fiecas
  • Jose Enrique Figueroa-Lopez
  • Nicolas Fournier
  • Jürgen Franke
  • Ruediger Frey
  • Masaaki Fukasawa
  • Jun-Ichiro Fukuchi
  • Ryoki Fukushima
  • Jason Fulman
  • Stephane Gaiffas
  • Chao Gao
  • Pilar Garcia-Soidan
  • Elisabeth Gassiat
  • Riccardo Gatto
  • Solenne Gaucher
  • Robert Edward Gaunt
  • Eric Gautier
  • Stefan Geiss
  • Xi Geng
  • Valentine Genon-Catalot
  • Robin Genuer
  • Behrooz Ghorbani
  • Debarghya Ghoshdastidar
  • Arnaud Gloter
  • Emmanuel Gobet
  • Yuri Golubev
  • Tomasz Górecki
  • Vadim Gorin
  • Peter Gracar
  • Arne Grauer
  • Karl Gregory
  • Stefan Grosskinsky
  • Steffen Grünewälder
  • Paolo Guasoni
  • Shota Gugushvili
  • Batu Güneysu
  • Zijian Guo
  • Madalin Guta
  • Fang Han
  • Fang Han
  • Qiyang Han
  • Yanjun Han
  • Xu Han
  • Niels Richard Hansen
  • Ning Hao
  • Takahiro Hasebe
  • Andreas Heinen
  • Johannes Heiny
  • Johannes Heiny
  • Alexandru Hening
  • Jonathan Hermon
  • Christian Hirsch
  • David Hirshberg
  • Michael Hoegele
  • Peter Hoff
  • Marc Hoffmann
  • Yannick Hoga
  • Reinhard Höpfner
  • Siegfried Hörmann
  • Thomas Hotz
  • Jianhua Huang
  • Mark Huber
  • Stephan Huckemann
  • Nikolaos Ignatiadis
  • Masaaki Imaizumi
  • Jevgenijs Ivanovs
  • Emmanuel Jacob
  • Pierre Etienne Jacob
  • Jean Jacod
  • Lancelot Fitzgerald James
  • Kevin Jamieson
  • Anja Janssen
  • Arturo Jaramillo
  • Adel Javanmard
  • Monique Jeanblanc
  • Tobias Jennessen
  • Pengsheng Ji
  • Tiefeng Jiang
  • Xiong Jin
  • Baisuo Jin
  • Moritz Jirak
  • Benjamin Jourdain
  • Anatoli B. Juditsky
  • Peter Jupp
  • Jan Kallsen
  • Kengo Kato
  • Makoto Katori
  • Emilie Kaufmann
  • Christian Keller
  • Edward H Kennedy
  • Kshitij Khare
  • Yongdai Kim
  • Jae Kwang Kim
  • Jisu Kim
  • Donggyu Kim
  • Daniel Kious
  • Alisa Kirichenko
  • Marina Kleptsyna
  • Miran Knezevic
  • Holger Koesters
  • Piotr Stefan Kokoszka
  • Eric Kolaczyk
  • Mladen Kolar
  • Bartosz Kolodziejek
  • Vladimir Koltchinskii
  • Efang Kong
  • Wouter Koolen
  • Igor Kortchemski
  • Gino Bertrand Kpogbezan
  • Samory Kpotufe
  • Jens-Peter Kreiss
  • Kaie Kubjas
  • Rafal Kulik
  • Alexei M. Kulik
  • Chaman Kumar
  • Gil Kur
  • Daisuke Kurisu
  • Mateusz Kwaśnicki
  • Cyril Labbé
  • Raphael Lachieze-Rey
  • Daniel Lacker
  • Claire Lacour
  • Nicolas Lanchier
  • Martin Larsson
  • Mathieu Lauriere
  • Ronan Le Guével
  • Guillaume Lecué
  • Ji Oon Lee
  • Luc Lehericy
  • Lihua Lei
  • Antoine Lejay
  • Chenlei Leng
  • Oleg Lepski
  • Dennis Leung
  • Deyuan Li
  • Guodong Li
  • Housen Li
  • Dong Li
  • Libo Li
  • Heng Lian
  • Hua Liang
  • Antonio Lijoi
  • Chunfang Devon Lin
  • Filip Lindskog
  • Yi Liu
  • Weihua Liu
  • Asad Lodhia
  • Matthias Loeffler
  • Pierre-Yves Louis
  • Dasha Loukianova
  • Karim Lounici
  • Aurelie Lozano
  • Minggen Lu
  • Gabor Lugosi
  • Anders Lundquist
  • Monia Lupparelli
  • Cong Ma
  • Yian Ma
  • Qing Mai
  • Mateusz Majka
  • Stephan Mandt
  • Oren Mangoubi
  • Eric Marchand
  • Clément Marteau
  • Alexander V. Marynych
  • André Mas
  • Helene Menexia Massam
  • Laurent Massoulié
  • Matthew Masten
  • Peter Mathe
  • Jacek Małecki
  • Abbas Mehrabian
  • Song Mei
  • Alexander Melnikov
  • Sebastian Mentemeier
  • Frank Van Der Meulen
  • Nicolas Meyer
  • Jeff Miller
  • Stas Minsker
  • Guido Montufar
  • Harold Moreno
  • Harold A. Moreno-Franco
  • Eric Moulines
  • Johannes Muhle-Karbe
  • Sumit Mukherjee
  • Rajarshi Mukherjee
  • Ursula Müller-Harknett
  • Hiroshi Nagaoka
  • Stanislav Nagy
  • Kihun Nam
  • Mohamed Ndaoud
  • Ilia Negri
  • Christopher John Nemeth
  • Andreas Neuenkirch
  • Michael H. Neumann
  • Hoang-Long Ngo
  • Van Hoang Nguyen
  • Geoff Nicholls
  • Anton Nikitenko
  • Jonathan Niles-Weed
  • Bernardo Nipoti
  • Dan Nordman
  • Ivan Nourdin
  • David Nualart
  • Michael Nussbaum
  • Marco Oesting
  • Teppei Ogihara
  • Ostap Okhrin
  • Sveinn Olafsson
  • Adam Osekowski
  • Taisuke Otsu
  • Gilles Pagès
  • Wilfredo Palma
  • Gudmund Pammer
  • Guangming Pan
  • Maxim Panov
  • Vladimir Panov
  • Efstathios Paparoditis
  • Quentin Paris
  • Juhyun Park
  • Gunwoong Park
  • Nestor Parolya
  • Valentin Patilea
  • Vic Patrangenaru
  • Robert Patterson
  • Debashis Paul
  • Subhadeep Paul
  • Daniel Paulin
  • Bruno Pelletier
  • Stefano Peluso
  • Edsel Aldea Pena
  • Jose M. Peña
  • Liang Peng
  • Xavier Pennec
  • Sergei Pereverzev
  • José Luis Pérez
  • Nicolas Perkowski
  • Goran Peskir
  • Huyên Pham
  • Iosif Pinelis
  • Guillaume Poly
  • Katharina Proksch
  • Michal Przykucki
  • Richard Pymar
  • Wanli Qiao
  • Miklos Z. Racz
  • Dragan Radulovic
  • Martin Raic
  • Olivier Raimond
  • Shravas Rao
  • Kilian Raschel
  • Kolyan Ray
  • Kolyan Ray
  • Matthew Logan Reimherr
  • Christoph Reisinger
  • Matthias Reitzner
  • Bruno Remillard
  • Zhao Ren
  • David Renfrew
  • Rémi Rhodes
  • Greg Rice
  • Adrien Richou
  • Stefan Richter
  • Markus Riedle
  • Tommaso Rigon
  • Alessandro Rinaldo
  • Yosef Rinott
  • Emmanuel Rio
  • Alejandro Rivera
  • Victor Manuel Rivero
  • Vincent Rivoirard
  • Christian Yann Robert
  • Matthew Iain Roberts
  • Veronika Rockova
  • Adrian Roellin
  • Angelika Rohde
  • Elvezio M. Ronchetti
  • Bero Roos
  • Bero Roos
  • Holger Rootzén
  • Etienne Roquain
  • Lorenzo Rosasco
  • Mathieu Rosenbaum
  • Jonathan Rosenblatt
  • Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
  • Peter Rousseeuw
  • Francesco Russo
  • Mathieu Sablik
  • Kayvan Sadeghi
  • Abolfazl Safikhani
  • Neeraja Sahasrabudhe
  • Gennady Samorodnitsky
  • Nikola Sandric
  • Andres Santos
  • Andrey Sarantsev
  • Mathieu Sart
  • Anand Sarwate
  • Mladen Savov
  • Meyer Scetbon
  • Moritz Schauer
  • Hans-Peter Scheffler
  • Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
  • Rolf Schneider
  • Friedrich Martin Schneider
  • Kevin Schnelli
  • Armin Schwartzman
  • Michael Schweinberger
  • Johan Segers
  • Sanchayan Sen
  • Grzegorz Serafin
  • Qi-Man Shao
  • Jinghai Shao
  • James Sharpnack
  • Pao-Sheng Shen
  • Weining Shen
  • Hongjian Shi
  • Yasutaka Shimizu
  • Seva Shneer
  • Karl Friedrich Siburg
  • Shashank Singh
  • Pietro Siorpaes
  • Yousri Slaoui
  • Charline Smadi
  • Jakob Söhl
  • Knut Solna
  • Philippe Soulier
  • Bjoern Sprungk
  • Wilhelm Stannat
  • Thomas Staudt
  • Lukas Steinberger
  • Claudia Strauch
  • Kirstin Strokorb
  • Gilles Stupfler
  • Suhasini Subba Rao
  • Wenguang Sun
  • Raanju Sundararajan
  • Ville Suomala
  • Pragya Sur
  • Simone Carlo Surace
  • Donatas Surgailis
  • Yvik Swan
  • Botond Szabo
  • Gabor J Szekely
  • Michaela Szölgyenyi
  • Minh Tang
  • Peter Tankov
  • Peter Tankov
  • Camille Tardif
  • Shahin Tavakoli
  • Maud Thomas
  • Gugan Thoppe
  • Steen Thorbjørnsen
  • Charles Tillier
  • Surya T Tokdar
  • Ilya Tolstikhin
  • Giovanni Luca Torrisi
  • Mathias Trabs
  • Thomas Trogdon
  • Stephen Tu
  • Ciprian Tudor
  • David Tyler
  • Gerónimo Uribe Bravo
  • Daniel Valesin
  • Germain Van Bever
  • Anne Margrete Nicolien Van Delft
  • Peter Varju
  • Gregoire Vechambre
  • Victor Veitch
  • Mathias Vetter
  • Daniel Vogel
  • Stanislav Volgushev
  • Stanislav Volgushev
  • Rainer Von Sachs
  • Moritz Voss
  • Vladimir Vovk
  • Andrew Wade
  • Stephen Graham Walker
  • Guenther Walther
  • Jian Wang
  • Tengyao Wang
  • Ke Wang
  • Sven Wang
  • Shulei Wang
  • Y. Samuel Wang
  • Alex Watson
  • Alexander Wein
  • Pawel Wolff
  • Wei Biao Wu
  • W. Wu
  • Dong Xia
  • Yimin Xiao
  • Yao Xie
  • Ganggang Xu
  • Lihu Xu
  • Mengyu Xu
  • Jiaming Xu
  • Lingzhou Xue
  • Xiaochuan Yang
  • Pengkun Yang
  • Dana Yang
  • Jianfeng Yao
  • Qiang Yao
  • Larisa Yaroslavtseva
  • Chun Yip Yau
  • Atilla Yilmaz
  • Mei Yin
  • Jun Yin
  • Aaron Yip
  • William Yoo
  • Yi Yu
  • Baichuan Yuan
  • Se-Young Yun
  • Raghid Zeineddine
  • Yoav Zemel
  • Lixin Zhang
  • Jianfeng Zhang
  • Xianyang Zhang
  • Kai Zhang
  • Zhuosong Zhang
  • Teng Zhang
  • Anderson Ye Zhang
  • Linjun Zhang
  • Zhuo-Song Zhang
  • Zeyu Zheng
  • Nikita Zhivotovskiy
  • Wen-Xin Zhou
  • Hongjuan Zhou
  • Ziwei Zhu
  • Liping Zhu
  • Pavel Zorin-Kranich
  • Hui Zou


Supplement Instructions

To prevent a delay in the production process, please follow the three steps below if your paper has been accepted and the supplemental material has also been approved by the Editor.  The paper and supplement must be separate files.  We do not edit or typeset the supplemental material; it is posted as provided. Do not include cross-references in the paper to cite objects from the supplement.  If there is a need to make a change during the proof stage, please be sure to correct the supplemental files and send with the changes for the paper.

Note, it is the journal policy to post ALL supplemental files with the paper when it is published on Euclid.  This includes data, code or any other type of file.  While it is acceptable to post code/data on other platforms (e.g., GitHub), these files must also be provided along with the files for the paper. 

For each supplemental file, please provide a title and a brief description.  Each supplemental file will be assigned an individual DOI by the typesetter. Please add a section titled “Supplementary Material” before the reference list.  It is recommended that you use the journal template found at which contains this section. 

Depending on the nature of the material, if there are multiple files you may provide either a Zip file containing all files or individual files. The supplemental files should be cited in text and an entry must be added to the reference list.

1. Cite the supplementary material in text

Add author(s) and year of publication.

Explicit formulas for these quantities are provided in Section 4 of the Supplementary Material (Smith (2019)).

Do not use \ref{} in the main paper to cite something in the supplement. Any direct citation of something in the supplement will result in (??) since the supplement is not typeset. 

2. Add an entry to reference list

(author(s), year, Supplement to “Title of paper”. The DOI will be added by the typesetter.)

Smith, M. (2019). Supplement to “A Bayesian analysis of some nonparametric problems.” DOI: 10.1214/[provided by typesetter].

3. Provide a title and description for each supplemental file connected to the paper.

(A zip file counts as one file and should contain an overall description.) This section should be added prior to the reference list. Please see the template at Note the DOI and link will be filled in during production.



%% Supplementary Material, if any, should   %%

%% be provided in {supplement} environment  %%

%% with title and short description.        %%



\stitle{Title of Supplement A}

\sdescription{Short description of Supplement A.}



\stitle{Title of Supplement B}

\sdescription{Short description of Supplement B.}








Notes for authors

  1. Submission.

    Bernoulli uses an electronic submission system, EJMS, which also handles the IMS journals. Authors should access the EJMS at If you are a first time user, you must complete the registration. You are only required to register once, but must add roles for each journal in EJMS. If you are already registered in EJMS for another journal, log in and follow the instructions under "Register for another role".

    After the registration is completed, you will have the ability to submit your manuscript. Complete the form and then upload your pdf file(s). Unpublished or not easily available papers cited in the manuscript should be uploaded as supplementary files during the submission process.

    In case of submission problems please contact Kristina Mattson for assistance (see below).

  2. The Paper.

    Manuscripts should be written in LaTex using the Bernoulli template. Please do not alter the margins or the font size. Files bj-sample.pdf and bj-sample.tex inside Bernoulli template package will assist in the preparation of a camera-ready paper in LaTeX. These documents contain useful information regarding the structure of your document, proper tagging style, layout features, etc.

    Most papers printed in Bernoulli will not exceed 25 pages in this format (including references); in some cases, this page limit may be relaxed. If more space is needed, additional material (such as further technical derivations, more detailed simulation results, etc.) will be published as online supplementary material (see the supplement instructions given below). First submissions already should be organized into a main manuscript (not exceeding 25 pages in the Bernoulli template, including references) and, if needed, one or several files of supplementary materials (without page limits). Failing to do so might result in an immediate rejection of the paper for formal reasons.

    On acceptance, you will be asked to provide Mattson Publishing Services with a LaTeX file of the final version of the paper.

  3. Title page.

    The title must include: the full title; full names and the affiliation and full addresses of all authors; a running title (maximum 50 characters); an asterisk indicating the author responsible for correspondence and correction of proofs. Footnotes are not allowed. Any acknowledgement should be placed at the end of the paper before the references.

  4. Summary and keywords.

    The summary should consist of a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words, with mathematical expressions reduced to a minimum. Citations to other work should also be avoided. Keywords or phrases should be submitted (in alphabetical order) for indexing purposes.

  5. Equations.

    Displayed equations should be numbered at the right-hand margin. Short formulae should be left in the text where possible, but should not increase the height of the line.

  6. Illustrations.

    Illustrations are to be numbered consecutively and provided with a caption at the bottom in the journal style. They should be included as an integral part of the file.

  7. Tables.

    Tables should be numbered consecutively and provided with a brief title or caption. Journal style should be followed.

  8. References.

    Use of the natbib package is strongly encouraged, jointly with \bibliographystyle{imsart-nameyear.bst}, to produce author/year citations and references of the following form:

    Chen, X. (1999). How often does a Harris recurrent Markov chain recur? Ann. Probab. 27 1324--1346.

    However, numbered citations are accepted, too. Abbreviations for journals should follow the standard of Mathematical Reviews and can be found at or in the current index issue of Mathematical Reviews. Complete references can be obtained using the MR Lookup feature.

    Only references mentioned in the text should be included in the list of references. References to books, monographs and reports should include the year of publication, title, edition, editor(s), place of publication and publisher in that order. Please refer to a recent issue of Bernoulli for details.

  9. Supplement Instructions for Accepted Papers

  10. Proofs.

    Before publication, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail regarding galley proofs. This email will also include instructions for returning corrections as well as links to forms required for publication.

  11. Offprints.

    Every corresponding author will receive via email a pdf file of the final article. Paper offprints may be purchased by using Offprint Purchase Order Forms.

  12. Publication charges and open access.

    Paying full publications charges (which can be done from available grants or institutional funds) is strongly encouraged: (1) this will indeed make your publication open access, which will increase visibility of your work; (2) this will also support the Bernoulli Society and make it possible to publish high-quality journals at moderate costs for libraries.

    Please see
    for the current rates and for further instructions. 

    Payment of some or all of the publication charges associated with an article is of course voluntary (the editorial review of articles and administration of publication charges are separate activities: manuscripts are reviewed and accepted prior to soliciting publication charges).

  13. Copyright.

    Submission of a paper to Bernoulli will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including electronic distribution, reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations.

    However, the author(s) reserve the following:
    1. All proprietary rights other than copyright, auch as patent rights.
    2. The right to use all or part of this work (with appropriate reference to the journal and article) in future works of their own, such as lectures, press releases, reviews, textbooks, or reprint books.
    3. The right to place the final version of this article (exactly as published in the journal) on their own homepage or in a public digital repository, provided there is a link to the official journal site.
    4. The right to provide a copy of the final peer-reviewed manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for publication, for public archiving in PubMed Central as soon as possible but no later than 12 months after publication.  

    Permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the captions.

  14. Various forms for authors.

    Copyright, publication charges and offprints

  15. Enquiries.

    Questions regarding the manuscript submission process should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Bernoulli journal subscriptions for the years 2023-2025

Bernoulli Society (BS) members' subscriptions

Online access is included in the annual BS membership fee and will be activated upon receipt of payment.

BS members who would like to receive a hard copy may subscribe via the Ogone Payment website or with their annual invoice, at the reduced prices of € 27 - developed, €15 - developed retired and €8 - developing and developing retired.

ISI Members and Other ISI Association Members:

Hard copy and online access: €64 - developed, €34 - developed retired and €20 for developing and developing retired.

Online access: €37 - developed, €19 - developed retired and €12 for developing and developing retired.


If you have any queries regarding above subscriptions, please contact:

The membership team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - International Statistical Institute, P.O. Box 24070, 2490 AB The Hague, The Netherlands

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The 2018 institutional subscription rates are US$ 540 (Electronic only) and US$ 561 (Electronic and print).

The 2019 institutional subscription rates are US$ 550 (Electronic only) and US$ 589 (Electronic and print).

The 2020 institutional subscription rates are US$ 561 (Electronic only) and US$ 618 (Electronic and print).

The 2021 institutional subscription rates are US$ 572 (Electronic only) and US$ 649 (Electronic and print).

The 2022 institutional subscription rates are US$ 583 (Electronic only) and US$ 681 (Electronic and print).

The 2023 institutional subscription rates are US$ 583 (Electronic only) and US$ 681 (Electronic and print).

The 2024 institutional subscription rates are US$ 612 (Electronic only) and US$ 742 (Electronic and print).

The 2025 institutional subscription rates are US$ 639 (Electronic only) and US$ 801 (Electronic and print).

For new subscription orders contact:

Ms. Elyse Gustafson
Executive Director
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
PO Box 22718
Beachwood OH 44122
Tel: 216-295-2340
Fax: 216-295-5661
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Journals are sent by standard mail to all countries.

Bernoulli consists of 4 issues published in February, May, August and November.

The ISSN number of the Bernoulli journal is 1350-7265



Published Papers


Papers in press can be downloaded below shortly after acceptance. Once they are made available on this page, papers are no further updated, hence will not reflect changes that may be made during the production process

Forthcoming papers

Paper title Author(s) Link to the Paper
(when accepted)
Accuracy of Gaussian approximation for high-dimensional posterior distributions Vladimir Spokoiny, Maxim Panov PDF
On the robustness of the minimim $\ell_2$ interpolator Matthieu Lerasle, Geoffrey Chinot  PDF
An efficient  Averaged Stochastic Gauss-Newton algorithm for estimating parameters of non linear regressions models  Peggy Cénac, Antoine Godichon-Baggioni, Bruno Portier PDF
A Spectral Representation of Kernel Stein Discrepancy with Application to Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces George Wynne, Mikołaj Kaspzak,
Andrew B Duncan

Poisson approximation of Poisson-driven point processes and extreme values in stochastic geometry

Moritz Otto


An edge CLT for the log determinant of Wigner ensembles

Iain M Johnstone, Yegor Klochkov, Alexei Onatski, Damian Pavlyshyn


On the expected number of critical points of locally isotropic Gaussian random fields

Hao Xu, Haoran Yang, Qiang Zeng


Distribution-free tests of multivariate independence based on center-outward quadrant, Spearman, Kendall, and van der Waerden statistics

Hongjian Shi, Mathias Drton, Marc Hallin, Fang Han

Self-normalized Cramer type moderate deviations for martingales and applications

Xiequan Fan, Qi-Man Shao


Non-ergodic statistics and spectral density estimation for stationary real harmonizable symmetric $\alpha$-stable processes

Ly Viet Hoang


Simultaneous off-the-grid learning of mixtures issued from a continuous dictionary

Cristina Butucea, Jean-François Delmas, Anne Dutfoy, Clément Hardy


Stability and Sample Complexity of Divergence Regularized Optimal Transport

Erhan Bayraktar, Stephan Eckstein, Xin Zhang


Adaptive deep learning for nonlinear time series models

Daisuke Kurisu, Riku Fukami, Yuta Koike


Asymptotically optimal sequential multiple testing with asynchronous decisions

Yiming Xing, Georgios Fellouris


Independence preserving property of Kummer laws

Angelo Efoévi Koudou, Jacek Wesolowski


Nearest neighbor process: weak convergence and non-asymptotic bound

François Portier


Parameter Estimation with Increased Precision for Elliptic and Hypo-elliptic Diffusions

Yuga Iguchi, Alexandros Beskos, Matthew Graham


Poisson hulls

Günter Last, Ilya Molchanov


Cross-validation for change-point regression: pitfalls and solutions

Florian Pein, Rajen Shah


Yule’s “nonsense correlation”: moments and density

Philip Andrew Ernst, Chris Rogers, Quan Zhou


Fréchet mean set estimation in the Hausdorff metric, via relaxation

Moïse Blanchard, Adam Quinn Jaffe


Inference in balanced community modulated recursive trees

Anna Ben-Hamou, Vasiliki Velona


Estimation of a pure-jump stable Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process

Elise Bayraktar, Emmanuelle Clément


Sampling using Adaptive Regenerative Processes

Hector McKimm, Andi Wang, Murray Pollock, Christian P Robert, Gareth O Roberts


Maximum interpoint distance of high-dimensional random vectors

Johannes Heiny, Carolin Kleemann


Synchronisation for scalar conservation laws via Dirichlet boundary

Ana Djurdjevac, Tommaso Rosati


Optimal stopping of the stable process with state-dependent killing

Kees van Schaik, Alexander R. Watson, Xin Xu


Tractably Modelling Dependence in Networks Beyond Exchangeability

Weichi Wu, Sofia Olhede, Patrick Wolfe


 Tail probability of maximal displacement in critical branching Lévy process with stable branching

Haojie Hou, Yiyang Jiang, Yan-Xia Ren, Renming Song


Dynamic Principal Component Analysis from a Global Perspective

Lingxuan Shao, Fang Yao


No eigenvalues outside the support of the limiting spectral distribution of large dimensional noncentral sample covariance matrices

Zhidong Bai, Jiang Hu, Jack W. Silverstein, Huanchao Zhou


Limit theorems for SDEs with irregular drifts

Jiaqing Hao


Some new concentration inequalities for the Itô stochastic integral

Nguyen Tien Dung


A log-linear model for non-stationary time series of counts

Anne Leucht, Michael H. Neumann PDF

Irregular nonparametric autoregression

Moritz Jirak, Hanna Gruber


Transportation cost inequalities for stochastic reaction diffusion equations on the whole line R

Yue Li, Shijie Shang, Tusheng Zhang


Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Small Noise Multi-scale McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Differential Equations

Jie Xu, Qiao Zheng, Jianyong Mu


Strong limit theorems for empirical halfspace depth trimmed regions

Andrii Ilienko, Ilya Molchanov, Riccardo Turin


An adaptive model checking test for functional linear model

Enze Shi, Yi Liu, Ke Sun, Lingzhu Li, Linglong Kong


Functional diffusion driven stochastic volatility model

Piotr Stefan Kokoszka, Neda Mohammadi, Haonan Wang, Shixuan Wang


Blessing of Dependence: Identifiability and Geometry of Discrete Models with Multiple Binary Latent Variables

Yuqi Gu


Unified RKHS Methodology and Analysis for Functional Linear and Single-Index Models

Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Hans-Georg Muller, Bharath K Sriperumbudur PDF 

Theoretical properties of angular halfspace depth

Stanislav Nagy, Petra Laketa


Random Fields on Hilbert Spaces with their Equivalent Gaussian Measures

Vinicius Ferreira, Emilio Porcu, Jorge Zubelli


Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High-Dimensions

Yanbo Tang, Nancy Margaret Reid


Adaptive estimation of irregular mean and covariance functions

Steven Golovkine, Nicolas Klutchnikoff, Valentin Patilea


Change point detection in low-rank VAR processes

Farida Enikeeva, Olga Klopp, Mathilde Rousselot


Hölder regularity and roughness: construction and examples

Erhan Bayraktar, Purba Das, Donghan Kim


Short-time Expansion of Characteristic Functions in a Rough Volatility Setting with Applications

Carsten H. Chong, Viktor Todorov


Optimal Spectral Recovery of a Planted Vector in a Subspace

Cheng Mao, Alexander S. Wein


Isotonic Conditional Laws

Sebastian Arnold, Johanna Ziegel


Speeding up Monte Carlo integration: control neighbors for optimal convergence

Rémi Leluc, François Portier, Johan Segers, Aigerim Zhuman


Bayesian uncertainty quantification and structure detection for multiple change points models

Eduard Belitser, Subhashis Ghosal


High-dimensional variable  selection with heterogeneous signals: A precise asymptotic perspective

Saptarshi Roy, Ambuj Tewari, Ziwei Zhu


Multiple testing under negative dependence

Ziyu Chi, Aaditya Ramdas, Ruodu Wang


Stochastic selection problem for a Stratonovich SDE with power non-linearity

Ilya Pavlyukevich, Georgiy Shevchenko


Extremal shot noise processes and random cutout sets

Clément Foucart, Linglong Yuan


Siblings in d-dimensional nearest neighbour trees

Jérôme Casse


A nonparametric distribution-free test of independence among continuous random vectors based on ?1-norm

Nour-Eddine Berrahou, Salim Bouzebda, Lahcen Douge


Optimal transport and Wasserstein distances for causal models

Patrick Cheridito, Stephan Eckstein


Reversibility of elliptical slice sampling revisited

Daniel Rudolf, Viacheslav Natarovskii, Mareike Hasenpflug


Heat kernel estimates for kinetic SDEs with  drifts being unbounded and in Kato's class

Chongyang Ren, Xicheng Zhang


Brownian motion conditioned to spend limited time outside a bounded interval – an extreme example of entropic repulsion

Frank Aurzada, Martin Kolb, Dominic Tobias Schickentanz


Generalized Hadamard differentiability of the copula mapping and its applications

Natalie Neumeyer, Marek Omelka


Bayesian inference for k-monotone densities with applications to multiple testing

Kang Wang, Subhashis Ghosal


Phase Transitions of the Maximum Likelihood Estimates in the p-Spin Curie-Weiss Model

Somabha Mukherjee, Jaesung Son, Bhaswar Bikram Bhattacharya


A Global Wavelet Based Bootstrapped Test of Covariance Stationarity

Jonathan B. Hill


On Lasso estimator for the drift function  in diffusion models

Gabriela Ciolek, Dmytro Marushkevych, Mark Podolskij


Treatment Effect Estimation with Efficient Data Aggregation

Snigdha Panigrahi, Jingshen Wang, Xuming He


Averaging symmetric positive-definite matrices on the space of eigen-decompositions

Sungkyu Jung, Brian Rooks, David Groisser, Armin Schwartzman


On a Near-Optimal & Efficient Algorithm for the Sparse Pooled Data Problem

Max Hahn-Klimroth, Remco van der Hofstad, Noela Müller, Connor Riddlesden


Heat content for Gaussian processes: small-time asymptotic analysis

Kei Kobayashi, Hyunchul Park


Random line graphs and edge-attributed network inference

Zachary Lubberts, Avanti Athreya, Youngser Park, Carey E Priebe


Sharper dimension-free bounds on the Frobenius distance between sample covariance and its expectation

Nikita Puchkin, Fedor Noskov, Vladimir Spokoiny


Optimal Wasserstein-1 distance between SDEs driven by Brownian motion and stable processes

Changsong Deng, Rene Schilling, Lihu Xu


From dense to sparse design: Optimal rates under the supremum norm for estimating the mean function in functional data analysis

Max Berger, Philipp Hermann, Hajo Holzmann


Optimal Scaling Results for a Wide Class of Proximal MALA Algorithms

Francesca Romana Crucinio, Alain Durmus, Pablo Jimenez, Gareth O Roberts


Practical lower bounds on the rate of convergence for accept-reject-based Markov chains in Wasserstein and total variation distances

Austin Brown, Galin Jones


Convergence of Empirical Optimal Transport in Unbounded Settings

Thomas Staudt, Shayan Hundrieser


Topological signatures of periodic-like signals

Frédéric Chazal, Bertrand Michel, Wojciech Reise


LAMN property for stable-Lévy SDEs with constant scale coefficient

Alexandre Brouste, Laurent Denis, Trâm Thi-Bao Ngô


Edgeworth expansion by Stein’s method

Xiao Fang, Song-Hao Liu


Explicit Constraints on the Geometric Rate of Convergence of Random Walk Metropolis-Hastings

Riddhiman Bhattacharya, Galin L. Jones


PDE characterisation of geometric distribution functions and quantiles

Dimitri Konen

Clustering a mixture of Gaussians with unknown covariance Damek Davis, Mateo Díaz, Kaizheng Wang PDF

On the convergence of PINNs

Gérard Biau, Claire Boyer, Nathan Doumèche


A model-based approach to density estimation in sup-norm

Guillaume Maillard


Goodness-of-fit tests for High-dimensional Parametric Multiresponse Regressions

Lixing Zhu


A new adaptive local polynomial density estimation procedure on complicated domains

Karine Bertin, Nicolas Klutchnikoff, Frédéric Ouimet


Functional central limit theorem with mean-uncertainty under sublinear expectation

Xiaofan Guo, Xinpeng Li 


Uniform error bound for PCA matrix denoising

Xin Thomson Tong, Wanjie Wang, Yuguan Wang


Asymptotic Normality of Log Likelihood Ratio and Fundamental Limit of the Weak Detection for Spiked Wigner Matrices

Hye Won Chung, Jiho Lee, Ji Oon Lee


Computable bounds for  solutions to Poisson's equation and perturbation of Markov kernels

Loic Hervé, James Ledoux


Scaling of Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo for Anisotropic Targets

Kengo Kamatani, Joris Bierkens, Gareth O. Roberts


Asymptotic properties of spiked eigenvalues and eigenvectors of signal-plus-noise matrices with their applications

Xiaoyu Liu, Yiming Liu, Guangming Pan, Lingyue Zhang, Zhixiang Zhang


Covariance Operator Estimation: Sparsity, Lengthscale, and Ensemble Kalman Filters

Omar Al-Ghattas, Jiaheng Chen, Daniel Sanz-Alonso, Nathan Waniorek


High-dimensional Posterior Consistency in Multi-response Regression models with Non-informative Priors for Error Covariance Matrix

Partha Sarkar, Kshitij Khare, Malay Ghosh


F Statistics for High-Dimensional Inference of Linear Model

Yumou Qiu, Yushan Gu


Inference for change-plane regression

Chaeryon Kang, Hunyong Cho, Rui Song, Moulinath Banerjee, Eric B. Laber, Michael R. Kosorok


Estimation and inference for the Wasserstein distance between mixing measures in topic models

Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Jonathan Niles-Weed


Sandpiles on the Vicsek fractal explode with probability 1/4

Nico Heizmann, Robin Kaiser, Ecaterina Sava-Huss


Extrinsic Derivative Formula for Distribution Dependent SDEs

Panpan Ren


The fewest-big-jumps principle and an application to random graphs

Céline Kerriou, Peter Mörters


Varying coefficient regression: revisit and parametric help

Seung Hyun Moon, Byeong Uk Park, Young Kyung Lee




Published Papers


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