Call for nominations for the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize

The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability welcomes nominations for the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize.

The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize, which was founded in 2011 and is generously sponsored by Springer, is awarded biannually to a single individual who is in the beginning of his or her mathematical career, for outstanding research in the field of probability theory.  Nominees should normally be within 10 (calendar) years from getting their PhD to the prize year with suitable adjustments to be made for career breaks post-PhD (for example, maternity/paternity leave or military service).

The awardee will be invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present the Doeblin Prize Lecture at a Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

To nominate a candidate, please provide the following documents:

  1. A comprehensive two-page Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting the nominee's academic background, professional experience, and honors/awards received.
  2. A list of publications.
  3. A document of at most five pages describing the nominee's work and placing it in context for importance. This document should outline the key mathematical contributions, their significance, and their impact on their respective field(s).
  4. Between two and four letters of recommendation.

More information about the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize and past awardees can be found at

Each nomination should be sent by April 12, 2024.

Nominations should be communicated to the Award Committee by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject heading: Doeblin Prize 2024.

Wolfgang Doeblin Prize 2024 Awarded to Giuseppe Cannizzaro

Congratulations to the winner!  We wish continued success in your future ventures.


© Bernoulli Society