Issue 52, September 2022


Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 52, September 2022





For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Bojana Milošević by October 30th.



General News



New website address

The website of the Bernoulli Society moved to web address


New office appointments

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held online on July 6th, 2022 the following new office appointments, proposed by EC or Council, have been approved:

  • Conchita Kleijweg, the Director of the ISI as a member ex officio of the Executive Committee;
  • Mark Podolskij as the Publication Secretary and the Chair of the Publication Committee for the period July 1st, 2022 - June 30th, 2026;
  • Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford, UK) as the Chair of Committee on Statistical Network Science from August 2021 to July 2023;
  • new members of the EAPRC and the Committee on Statistical Network Science (see


The Secretariat of the Bernoulli Society

A secretariat of the Bernoulli Society in Toruń has been created. One of its aims is to construct an electronic archive of the Bernoulli Society. Members of the Bernoulli Society are kindly invited to submit interesting materials related to the history of the Bernoulli Society either by surface mail:
Secretariat of the Bernoulli Society
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Nicolaus Copernicus University
ul. Chopina 12/18 87-100 Toruń, Poland
or in electronic form to


The Ethel Newbold Prize - call for nominations

The Ethel Newbold Prize is to be awarded biannually to an outstanding statistical scientist in early or mid-career for a body of work that represents excellence in research in mathematical statistics, and/or excellence in research that links developments in a substantive field to new advances in statistics. In any year in which the award is due, the prize will not be awarded unless the set of all nominations includes candidates from both genders. The award consists of the prize amount of 2500€ together with an award certificate. The awardee will be invited to present a talk at the following Bernoulli World Congress, Bernoulli-sponsored major conference, or ISI World Statistics Congress.

The nomination should include a letter outlining the case in support of the nominee, along with a curriculum vitae. Nominations as well as any inquiries about the award should be sent to Gesine Reinert at The deadline for accepting nominations is November 30th, 2022. The prize winner will be selected in Spring 2023. More information is available at


2024 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability - call for nominations

The Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability is to recognize authors of an influential survey publication in the area of probability. The paper should be timely in addressing areas of active or emerging importance but have been in circulation long enough for there to be evidence of its impact. The presentation of prize winner will be at the Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Bochum in August 2024.

The nominations should be sent to Markus Heydenreich at The deadline for accepting nominations is February 28th, 2023. More information is available at es?id=156.


Winners of the 2022 Rousseeuw Prize

The King Baudouin Foundation has announced the winners of the first Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics. This biennial prize, worth 1 million USD, aims to reward excellence in statistical research which has a significant impact. The selected topic is Causal Inference in Medicine and Public Health. Half the prize amount will go to James Robins of Harvard University and half will be shared by Miguel Hernán (Harvard University), Thomas Richardson (University of Washington), Andrea Rotnitzky (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina) and Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen (University of Pennsylvania).

The international jury appointed by the King Baudouin Foundation selected the winners from the nominations received after a widely advertised call earlier this year. The jury consisted of its chair, David Hand (Imperial College), Lutgarde Buydens (Radboud University Nijmegen), Probal Chaudhuri (Indian Statistical Institute), Dianne Cook (Monash University), Roger Koenker (University of Illinois), Yanyuan Ma (Penn State), David Scott (Rice University), David Steinberg (Tel Aviv University), Jane-Ling Wang (UC Davis), and James Zidek (University of British Columbia). The prize will be awarded in a ceremony taking place at KU Leuven, Belgium on Wednesday October 12th, 2022.



In memoriam: Ole Berndorff-Nielsen

It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Ole Berndorff-Nielsen, former president (1993-1995) and one of the most eminent members of The Bernoulli Society. He passed away on June 26, 2022, at the age of 87 (



Highlighted events

34th European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS)

July, 2023
Warsaw, Poland

The next EMS will be held in Warsaw in July 2023. More details will be available soon.


Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society


One World YoungStatS Webinar

September 21, 2022

The next One World webinar, organized by YoungStatS, will be dedicated to Regularization by Noise for Stochastic Differential and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. Selected young researchers active in this area will present their recent contributions.

11th International Conference on the Teaching of Statistics (ICOTS11)

Se[ptember 11 - 16, 2022
Rosario, Argentina

ICOTS11-“Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics” is organized by The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). The list of topics can be seen at


XVI Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CLAPEM)

July 10 – 14, 2023
São Paulo, SP, Brazil

CLAPEM, promoted by the Latin American Society of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (SLAPEM) and the Latin American Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main event in these fields in the region. It takes place every two/three years and attracts researchers and students from the most important Latin American centers. A traditional program in a CLAPEM includes a series of short courses to introduce graduate students and young colleagues to major areas of current research and a series of invited plenary talks, invited sessions, and general poster and oral communication sessions.


64th World Statistics Congress 2023

July 16-20, 2023
Ottawa, Canada

The congress series is organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Bernoulli Society is participating in the series as an association of ISI. It brings together statisticians and data scientists from academia, health sector and business, junior and senior professionals, in an inviting environment.


43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)

July 24-28, 2023
Lisbon, Portugal

SPA Conferences are organised under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. The next conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.


6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

(to be announced) 2024
Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications Invited session proposals are now being considered.



44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)

(to be announced) 2025
Wroclaw, Poland

The 44th edition of SPA conferences will be organized in 2025 in Wrocław (Poland). More information will be available soon.


The One World Probability Seminar


The One World Probability project is an online platform for research seminars, workshops and schools in probability theory. Started during the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, the project intends to bring together researchers from all over the world in a virtual and inclusive environment.

One World Extremes Seminar


The One World Extremes Seminar is an initiative to keep researchers with an interest in Extreme Value Theory (EVT) virtually connected in novel ways. It features both theoretical advances and important applications of EVT.

Asia-Pacific Seminars in Probability and Statistics


The seminar was created as a permanent forum for good research in the field, with the aim to counterbalance the restrictions imposed by pandemic and to still promote scientific exchange and cooperation. It will run using Zoom.



Job offers


Professor in Statistics at EPFL

The School of Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) at EPFL seeks to appoint a tenured Full Professor in Statistics. Outstanding candidates would have research interests within core statistical inference and methodology, including but not restricted to computationally intensive inference, large-scale inference, penalised and/or nonparametric inference. Candidates should be with world leading profiles who will play a major role in further developing Statistics research and education at EPFL. Candidates should hold a PhD and have an excellent record of scientific accomplishments in the field, commensurate with the rank of Full Professor. In addition, commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels is expected. The successful candidate is expected to play an important role in the EPFL’s new MSc in Statistics. Proficiency in French is not required, but a willingness to learn the language is expected.

Applications should include a cover letter, a CV with a list of publications, a concise statement of research (maximum three pages) and teaching interests (one page), and the names and addresses (including e-mail) of at least five references who have already agreed to supply a letter upon request. Applications should be uploaded (as PDFs) by November 30, 2022 to Enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Victor Panaretos Director of the Mathematics Institute and Chair of the Search Committee at the address: For additional information, please consult,,

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Professor in Statistics at ETH Zurich

The Department of Mathematics ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position within the Seminar for Statistics ( Successful candidates should demonstrate outstanding research and teaching records and a proven ability to direct research work of high quality. We seek applications from all areas of statistics. The new professor will be responsible, together with other members of the department, for teaching undergraduate (German or English) and graduate level courses (English) for students in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. In particular, she or he will contribute to teaching in the MSc Statistics and MSc Data Science programs.

The candidates should apply online at Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of future research and teaching interests, a description of the leadership philosophy, and a description of the three most important achievements. The letter of application should be addressed to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot. The closing date for applications is 30 September 2022. More information is available at

ETH Zurich is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer, values diversity, and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications


Official publications of the Bernoulli Society


Stochastic Processes and their Applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at




Other announcements


A survey of the Journal of the Finance and Stochastic

Journal of the Finance and Stochastic is running a survey and kindly invites authors and readers of the journal to participate.

© Bernoulli Society