
The David Cox Medal for Statistics commemorates the pioneering statistical work of Sir David Cox in the fields of statistical theory, methodology and applications.

Three medals are awarded every three years by the Bernoulli Society in partnership with the American Statistical Association (ASA), the International Biometric Society (IBS), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), the International Statistical Institute (ISI), and the Royal Statistical Society (RSS).

The awards will be made for the first time in 2025.


The award will recognise mid-career individuals, with an age limit of 50 (with exceptions made for mitigating circumstances such as career breaks). The awardees’ research will be original, with conceptual depth and novelty, moving the field or a substantive application area forward.

Candidates for the award will be assessed based on a specified body of work, with a limit of up to five papers. It is not necessary for nominees to be members of any of the partner societies.

Remit of the Prize Committee

The Prize Committee consists of one representative from each partner society, the chair of which will rotate between partners on each cycle.  The committee remit is to receive and consider the nominations and to come to an agreement on the medal recipients.


Peter McCullagh (chair) – Bernoulli Society

Tom Belin - ASA

Ruth Keogh - IBS

Eric B Laber - IMS

Huixia Judy Wang - ISI

Sylvia Richardson - RSS

Remit of the Search Committee

The Search Committee consists of two representatives from each partner society, the chair of which will rotate between partners on each cycle.

The value of establishing a search committee will be to ensure consistency of calibre of nominations, to ensure the search is wide and deep and that nominations reflect the diversity of the statistical community. 

The Search Committee does not preclude nominations coming from other sources – it is intended as an additional method.


Andrea Rotnitzky (chair) - ASA

Richard Davis – Bernoulli Society

Judith Rousseau - Bernoulli Society

Alan Welsh - IBS

Tom Louis - IBS

Jianwen Cair - IMS

Veronika Rockova - IMS

Byeong Park - ISI

Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva - ISI

Christl Donnelly - RSS

Idris Eckley - RSS

Nominations for the inaugural presentation of the 2025 David Cox Medal for Statistics are now open and will be closing on 31 October 2024.

Nomination Form for the 2025 David Cox Medal:

Previous Lévy Lectures

The Lévy lecture is a plenary lecture presented at the annual SPA conference and at the Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics, sponsored by the journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

  • Rongfeng Sun (Bochum 2024)
  • Horng-Tzer Yau (Lisbon 2023)
  • Lorenzo Zambotti (Wuhan 2022)
  • Massimiliano Gubinelli (Seoul 2021)
  • Jason Miller and Zhen‑Qing Chen (Evanston 2019)
  • Alison Etheridge  (Gothenburg 2018) 
  • Grigorii Olshanski (Moscow 2017) 
  • Boris Tsirelson (Oxford 2015) 
  • Servet Martinez (Toronto 2015) 
  • Martin Hairer (Buenos Aires 2014) 
  • Gérard Ben Arous (Boulder 2013) 
  • Maria Eulália Vares (Istanbul 2012)
  • Jean-François Le Gall (Oaxaca 2011) 
  • Claudio Landim (Osaka 2010) 
  • Amir Dembo (Berlin 2009) 
  • Alice Guionnet (Singapore 2008)
  • Martin Barlow (Champaign-Urbana 2007)
  • Hans Föllmer (Paris 2006) 
  • Jean Bertoin (Santa Barbara 2005) 
  • Wendelin Werner (Barcelona 2004) 
  • Frank den Hollander (Angra dos Reis 2003) 

Bernoulli Presidential Invited Lecture - List

2023 - Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze

2021 - Markus Reiss 

2019 - Michael Newton

2017 - Emmanuel Candès

2015 - Wilfrid Kendall 

Bernoulli Journal Lecture - List 

2023 - Alexandra Carpentier 

2021 - Johannes Schmidt‑Hieber

2020 - Soutir Bandyopadhyay

2019 - Jonathan Taylor

2017 - Marc Hallin

2015 - Enno Mammen 


Previous lecturers of the Bernoulli Society Forum Lectures:

1976 - David R. Cox, The role of significante tests. 

1977 - Herman Chernoff, Analytic and Numercial Approaches to Certain Stochastic Control Problems. 

1978 - Leopold Schmetterer, From Stochastic approximation to the Stochastic Theory of Optimization. 

1979 - David.G. Kendall, The statistics of shape. 

1980 - Albert N. Shiryaev, Martingales: Recent results, Developments, Applications. 

1981 - Ole Barndorff-Nielsen, Parametric Statistical Models and Inference. 

1982 - John F. C. Kingman, Achievements and Opportunities in applied Probability.

1984 - Norman Breslow, Analysis of Cohort Data in Epidemiology. 

1987 - 

1988 - 

1991 - Niels Keiding, Uses of Modern Survival Analysis in Epidemiology. 

1992 - Evarist Giné

1995 - Hans Föllmer, Probability and Finance.

1998 - Nancy Reid, Accurate approximation of p-values.

2001 - Peter Donnelly, Some statistical challenges in modern genetics.

2002 - Terry Speed,  Aspects of the design of cDNA micorarray experiments.

2005 - David Donoho, Sparsity in Estimation and Detection.

2006 - Søren Johansen, A Survey of Cointegration Theory.

2009 - Aad van der Vaart, Frequentist properties of Bayesian procedures for infinite-dimensional parameters.

2010 - Tony Cai, Statistical Inference for High-Dimensional Covariance Structure.

2013 - Geoffrey Grimmett

2015 - Peter Bühlmann

2017 - Mark Girolami, Diffusions and dynamics on statistical manifolds for statistical inference.

2019 - Victor Panaretos, Amplitude and phase variation of random processes.

2023 - Gérard Biau, Recurrent and Residual Neural Networks as differential equations.

© Bernoulli Society