
Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 57, September 2023




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Alessia Caponera alessia.caponera@unimib.it by October 30th.


General News

The Transfer of the Bernoulli Book

During the General Assembly on July 18th, 2023, Adam Jakubowski formally handed over the presidency. The Bernoulli Book, symbolizing the presidency, was presented to Victor Panaretos, who officially assumed the position of president of Bernoulli Society for the years 2023–2025.

Call for Nominations: President-Elect and Council Members

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held on July 18th, 2023, a Nominating Committee was established. It consists of Nancy Reid (Chair), Zengjing Chen, Claudio Landim, Victor M. Panaretos, Sonia Petrone, Mark Podolskij, Gesine Reinert, Leonardo T. Rolla, Arno Siri-Jégousse, Jingwen Song, Jeff Yao (non-voting). The task of the committee is to make nominations for the office of President-Elect (2025–2027) and six ordinary Council members (2025–2029). All members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit names of possible candidates (with basic information and the web address) to Ms Kamila Siuda at secretariat@bernoullisociety.org by December 15th, 2023.

Call for Photographs and Video Footage

As the Bernoulli Society approaches its 50th year of existence, we are launching an effort to collect and archive photographs and video footage related to the society — whether from the distant or more recent past. If you have material you would like to share, please contact Ms Kamila Siuda at secretariat@bernoullisociety.org.

Winner of Ethel Newbold Prize 2023

Lester Mackey (Stanford University and Microsoft Research New England) has become the fifth Ethel Newbold Prize Winner. The Prize Committee consisted of Gesine Reinert (Chair), Adrian Röllin and Susan Murphy. During the 64th ISI WSC in Ottawa, on July 20th, 2023, Lester Mackey gave a lecture entitled Advances in Distribution Compression. More details about this award can be found here.

Willem van Zwet Medal Ceremony 

Adam Jakubowski presented the Willem van Zwet Medal to Thomas Valentin Mikosch (University of Copenhagen, Denmark). The ceremony took place during the opening of the 34th European Meeting of Statisticians in Warsaw, on July 3rd, 2023. More details about this award can be found here, while the interview with Thomas can be read in the current issue of Benoulli News.

Aad van der Vaart elected a member of the Academy of Europe

Aad van der Vaart (TU Delft, Netherlands) has been elected a member of the Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe). Academia Europaea, established in 1988, is the pan-European Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Letters.

Sad News

It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of two esteemed colleagues. Professor Peter J. Brockwell passed away peacefully on July 5th, 2023, surrounded by his family. Professor C. R. Rao, too, left us on August 22nd, 2023, in the presence of his loved ones. The Bernoulli Society extends its sincere condolences to their families.



Highlighted Events

23rd European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM)

September 11–15, 2023 (virtual event)
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The European Young Statisticians Meetings is a series of conferences that is organized by and for young European stßatisticians under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. Participation is by invitation only.

The full program is available here.


Events Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Bernoulli Society

6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

January 4–7, 2024
Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications.

Proposals for invited sessions have closed. Abstract submission for talks in contributed sessions and registration are now open. The deadline for abstract submission is October 31st, 2023.

Bernoulli-IMS 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics

August 12–16, 2024
Bochum, Germany

Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased. It will be held at the Department of Mathematics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

The Bernoulli Society special invited lectures have been announced. The complete list of plenaries is available here.


Job Offers

Professor in Financial Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics – KU Leuven

The Faculty of Science at KU Leuven, Belgium, invites applications for a full-time faculty position in the areas of financial mathematics or mathematical statistics. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in mathematics or statistics, or an equivalent degree. Applicants are expected to develop research activities at the forefront of the international research community in the field of financial mathematics or mathematical statistics, possibly in intersection with stochastics or probability theory. The rank of the appointment will depend on the applicant's research and teaching record. The deadline for applying is September 18th, 2023. More info can be found here.

Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorships – Technical University of Munich

The Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, invites applications for the prestigious Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professorships to be appointed in spring 2024. Each such position is a fixed-term (6 year) tenure-track professorship with the possibility for promotion to a tenured position. The research areas considered in this year's call include time series analysis, spatial statistics, and related topics under the broader heading of Statistical Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification for Spatio-Temporal Data. Applications are to be submitted online by September 20th, 2023. Further information and instructions for how to apply can be found in the full call for applications here. For inquiries feel free to contact Prof. Mathias Drton <mathias.drton@tum.de>.

Faculty Position in Mathematics – EPFL

The School of Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) at EPFL seeks to fill a Faculty position in Mathematics at the tenure-track Assistant Professor level. We seek outstanding candidates with research interests in Discrete Mathematics. We expect candidates showing exceptional promise to develop into world leaders. Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any particular specialisation area. Candidates should hold a PhD and have an excellent record of scientific accomplishments in the field. In addition, commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels is expected. Proficiency in French teaching is not required, but willingness to learn the language expected.

Applications should include a cover letter, a CV with a list of publications, a concise statement of research (maximum three pages) and teaching interests (one page), and the names and addresses (including e-mail) of at least three references who have already agreed to supply a letter upon request. Applications should be uploaded (as PDFs) by November 30th, 2023, to https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/position/50036742. Enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Maryna Viazovska Director of the Mathematics Institute and Chair of the Search Committee at math-search.2023@epfl.ch. For additional information on EPFL, please consult https://www.epfl.chhttps://sb.epfl.ch and https://math.epfl.ch.

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly institution. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and staff. It strongly encourages women to apply.

Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship Fund 2023

The Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship Fund for 2023 is now open and accepting proposals on topics linked to the theme Inclusion and Diversity within Mathematics. To learn more about the eligibility criteria and the application process, please visit the website here. The deadline for submitting proposals is September 30th, 2023.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

Official Publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli https://projecteuclid.org/journals/bernoulli

Stochastic Processes and their Applications https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/stochastic-processes-and-their-applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics https://www.springer.com/series/14353

Co-Sponsored Publications

Have a look at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications/bernoulli-news

© Bernoulli Society